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Working with Pianists

Working with Pianists

I work one-to-one with pianists in various different ways: in Piano Lessons, in a group setting through Oxford Piano Weekends and through my online course Piano Freedom. In each, I work the same issues: technique and mechanics; style and interpretation; learning methods along with practice and performance preparation.

I welcome pianists who are committed to learning and developing and who are willing to be creative and experimental; pianists who understand that an integral part of the work is looking at the psychological dimensions of learning – the “inner game.” 

Some ways we might work together

Style and interpretation

  • Relish the process of working in fine detail on a piece of music to meet its technical and interpretive demands

  • Learn how music is put together and how to get your fingers to express the story you want to tell

  • Discover more about the different composers, their style, their unique compositional qualities and what they ask of the pianist

Charlotte Tomlinson

Charlotte’s insights into piano technique, music and personal discovery have literally changed my life!”

Working with Pianists

Piano technique

  • Build a comprehensive technique that enables power and freedom in your playing 

  • Find a resilience in your technique so you can play without fatigue and prevent injury 

  • Build body awareness at the piano

  • Discover how to be ergonomically aligned at the piano,

  • Explore breathing and how to play from the core to create rich, dynamic and powerful sounds

  • Learn how to release tension in order to play effortlessly even in the most challenging repertoire

  • Play with ease and efficiency

Learning and psychology

  • Understand the basic neuroscience of how we learn and how we develop skill

  • Find and use the learning methods that work best for you

  • Learn in an emotionally safe space

  • Manage and transform the relationship between psychological and emotional challenges and the way you learn, play your instrument and perform

  • Map the relationship between psycho/emotional processes and patterns

  • Master the ‘inner game’ of successful learning and performing 

  • Be able to problem solve and invent new practice methods

  • Become fascinated by the learning process

  • Integrate body, mind and emotions as a learner, musician and performer

  • Work on personal issues in a confidential space

Working with Pianists

Charlotte’s music and technical input has been invaluable. I feel more confident and so much more at ease with playing.”

Practice and performance skills

  • Learn efficient preparation skills including how to memorise

  • Learn what it means to move from the practice room to the performance space

  • Build a solid knowledge of your repertoire

  • Plan a recital programme

  • Practice with the Objective Observer instead of the Inner Critic

  • Build in anxiety calming techniques into the practice room so they are ready for the performance

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